AFAPREDESA nace como respuesta civil a la lamentable situación de los derechos humanos, la incapacidad de defensa de los desaparecidos y torturados y de nuestra angustia como padres, hijos, esposas o hermanos ante la consecuencia de la invasión cívico-militar del Sáhara Occidental por Marruecos.
AFAPREDESA se constituyó el 20 de Agosto de 1989 en los Campamentos de refugiados de Tinduf. Es una Organización No Gubernamental saharaui de defensa de los Derechos Humanos, así reconocida por las leyes saharauis.
Es miembro observador de la Comisión Africana de Derechos Humanos y miembro de la Coalizacion Internacional para la protección de todas las personas contra las desapareciones forzadas.
Participa en el Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU en Ginebra. También actúa ante el Parlamento Europeo.
AFAPREDESA ha sido proscrita por el gobierno marroquí, pero aún así continúa ejerciendo su actividad dentro del territorio ocupado.

viernes, 2 de octubre de 2015

Campaign against Sweden and Moroccan repression in Western Sahara

At the time in which the Swedish government is trying to mitigate the grotesque and vile propaganda campaign against the Swedish people and its institutions, the Kingdom of Morocco accentuates its repression against the civilian population struggling peacefully to reclaim dignity and freedom for his people.

Trial Record:

On September 29, 2015, the Moroccan occupation forces violently intervene to suppress a group of women and young people who demand the right to self-determination of the Saharawi people and the monitoring of human rights by MINURSO. Several people were injured, three of them seriously. Seven people were arrested and tried and sentenced expeditious manner, October 1, six months in prison and 2000 dirhams fine for each of them. They could not even organize their defense and contact their families. The seven people are:
- ABDELAZIZ BARRAY, a former political prisoner.
- MOHAMED LAFDIL, a former political prisoner.

Cowardly revenge:

In the night of 29 to 30 September, 22 political detainees were attacked in their cells in the prison of Salé.. Without warning they were violently attacked by a hundred guards and their few belongings were confiscated. They also threatened them with death if they continue to inform the outside world about the torture and ill-treatment they are suffering in jail and nobody will save them, neither Amnesty International nor Sweden. They are part of the group of Gdeim Izic kidnapped since November 2010. Despite their civil status, on February 18, 2013, they were sentenced by a military court  between 20 years and perpetuity.[1]

Silencing activists:

The September 30, 2015, another Saharawi, the young activist Salah Lebsir was sentenced to four years in prison for the sake of defending the right to self-determination. Lebsir Salah had been held in arbitrary detention since 6 June 2015. He was abducted in the street of the city of El Aaiun shortly after his arrival to visit his family. He lived in refugee camps since 2013.

Reminder: The Saharawi people spent 40 years under Moroccan occupation, suffering all kinds of serious human rights violations: genocide, forced disappearances, arbitrary detention, exile, landmine victims, separation walls…


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